Just like "we will never change disfellowship rules".
And here we are just over a year later, the rules have changed and the guy that said that quote, (AMIII) has gone.
Who would have thought it? Probably only an accountant!
there was a time they preached the great tribulation was a short period of time between the fall of babylon and jesus coming back to save them, now they realize there are difficult years ahead of us, watch this latest morning worship video by per christensen on this subject .
Just like "we will never change disfellowship rules".
And here we are just over a year later, the rules have changed and the guy that said that quote, (AMIII) has gone.
Who would have thought it? Probably only an accountant!
the last assembly i attended was over 10 years ago.
the monotone speakers, boring talks, uncomfortable seats, long prayers and nodding off after the lunch break did me in.
i survived the morning sessions, but the afternoon sessions were brutal.
Three days? Not any more, though I am so old I remember 7 and 8 day events. How did we manage that? Traveling back to our accommodation late at night and back again first thing in the morning. As BB above said it was dark when we were trying to read our song books at the end of the day.
As I got into my teens we tended to camp, Edinburgh or Twickenham mostly. Chatting up the girls was the best thing to look forward to. I still play Van Morrison "Brown Eyed Girl" quite regularly. Making love in the green grass, behind the stadium with you, my Brown Eyed Girl. His mother tried to raise him as a witness without any success, He also made a track called "Kingdom Hall".
I think my favourite RC was this year. Watched on download and had the complete transcript downloaded from here!
"when will this hope be fulfilled?
the bible foretold events that would signal that god’s kingdom is about to begin its rule over the earth.
present world conditions match what the bible foretold.
Watchtower 1989 Jan 1 p.12
"He was laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." (continues
That is what the original WT said. By the time the WT volume was produced early the following year and subsequently the digital version, it had been changed to:
He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day.
Obviously they had lost their confidence with only a decade left of the 20th Century!
i found out recently that michelangelo's painting of adam on the sistine chapel depicts him without a belly button.
i had never noticed this before and it makes sense that neither adam nor eve would have belly buttons, not having been born in the usual way.
then i realized all the first animals were created rather than born, according to the religious views of the origin of life.
I found out recently that Michelangelo's painting of Adam on the Sistine Chapel depicts him without a belly button.
I just looked at that painting on Wikipedia and he certainly appears to have a navel.
i have been reading through old threads discussing circuit overseers from the past.
i saw a photo of a list from the mid 2000s someone took at london bethel, which was helpful for that time.
i'm extremely interested in compiling a list of current circuit overseers from across the uk, seeing that the circuits had a massive change in recent years.
Prior to Errol Flynn we had Sean Smart, probably one of the best CO's I have ever known. He was moved to Bedfordshire (?) area I think.
i have been reading through old threads discussing circuit overseers from the past.
i saw a photo of a list from the mid 2000s someone took at london bethel, which was helpful for that time.
i'm extremely interested in compiling a list of current circuit overseers from across the uk, seeing that the circuits had a massive change in recent years.
Errol Flynn is CO for Sussex area. Decent kind of guy.
the last two seem very young.. will there be any further new gb members or will they all die off?.
i still remember when tony morris and a few other joined many were disappointed thinking the current crop would be the last.
Not Gilles though, he is too old and apparently he did not partake this year.
That's interesting that he did not partake this year. Not sure about his age, he's younger than me but so is the majority of the population.
He fits the pious prick profile.
Probably why I picked him!
Edit:- Apparently he is 70/71, older than I thought.
i'm trying to find out how many jw there were globally in 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1928. the watchtower of 1926 says that there were 25,000 in attendance at the magdeburg convention for the public address, but the same watchtower say that one the last day of the convention there were 15,000 present, so i assume at least 10,000 were interested persons - non jw.
the watchtower 1955 says: "for this year of 1927 the number in attendance at the spring memorial internationally was 88,544, yet of these only some 18,602 were active as house-to-house kingdom announcers".
these statistics would seem to imply that the majority of jw in 1926 were at the magdeburg convention.
I was always under the impression that statistics for this period were never produced due to "the great disappointment".
Nothing happened in 1925 when JFR said all the old prophets would return to rule the earth.
the last two seem very young.. will there be any further new gb members or will they all die off?.
i still remember when tony morris and a few other joined many were disappointed thinking the current crop would be the last.
Sam Herd born 1935 - Life Story: A Poor Start—A Rich Ending | Samuel F. Herd (jw.org)
I think Paul Gilles may be on the list for the future.
i know from friends who are pimi that circuit overseers are taken off when they hit age 70. since most of them are long serving men it might explain why they are pushing mid-20 year old lads into the circuit work.. are there any similar age restrictions on congregation elders?
because we've known some doddery old men in the past who shouldn't have been kept on as presiding overseers but refused to relinquish their role.
does anyone know?.
No age limit for elders. We have several that are around the 90 mark. On the download version of the recent RC there was a 100 year old brother that gave a talk. He must be an elder to do that.